7:50 – 8:15 Morning Greeting
- Students must wash hands before they come into the classroom
- Students should arrive no later than 8:15 and hang up backpacks/jackets
- Water bottles/lunches/snacks are placed in appropriate bins. Folders and other items can be left in backpacks until we get them when needed
- As the students arrive, various activities will be available until about 8:15
8:15 Morning Circle Time
- We will gather with our school family at the carpet for our morning routine; Stories of God’s Love, prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, songs, calendar, counting, shapes, colors, etc.
- Events of the day are introduced, as well as our letter and/or number of the week and topics related to the weekly theme
8:45 Play Time
- Children’s free play, table activities and many toys and other activities are available during this time
9:00 Centers
- The children will rotate between a variety of academic centers covering literacy, mathematics, small motor activities, art, science, social studies, and religion
9:45 Snack
- The children will use the bathroom and wash hands before and after they eat
- The children will pray together
- Reminder: All snacks must be nut-free, labeled with the child’s first and last name and current date
10:00 Special Classes
- These include music, library, Spanish, art, science and gross motor activities. Junior Kindergarten participates in all specials, including computers
10:30 Group Learning
- A fun time to explore the world around us through activities such as science experiments, math activities and games, nursery rhymes, poetry, songs, and read alouds
11:00 Dismissal for half day students or Recess for full day students
- There will be a bathroom break before the children go outside. We will go outside if the weather permits. If recess is indoors, there will be free play in the classroom or the gym
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Naptime
2:30 Snack and Group Activity
- Again, please label with the child’s first and last name and the current date on all snack items and avoid foods that contain peanuts, tree-nuts or peanut butter. Group activity may include a question of the day, music and movement, and/or a story
3:00 Dismissal for full day students
- Children will be brought to the building entrance for release to their parents/guardians